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Showing posts from August, 2013

"God sets the lonely in families..."

I said goodbye to my girls last Friday before heading to Hyderabad. Its been almost two weeks, but it feels like far too long ago. As I sit here in Nashville, I'm struggling with sorting through all the thoughts going through my mind. My emotions are all over as I love seeing family and friends but miss these sweet faces so very much... Alesa, Nora, and Phoebe Every time I return to America, I'm amazed by how much "stuff" I have. As I look around my bedroom, I'm awe of all the things that serve no real purpose but to take up space. As I have laid my head to rest in my queen size bed this week, several nights I've laid here counting how many of my girls could squeeze into it to sleep like they do now (I decided 5 or 6 in case you're wondering :)...which is a very normal Indian thing to do). I know its silly, but it just reminds me of how much space so many of us have for those who need it shared with them. But do we have space in our he...