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May my song please Him...

In my opinion the Chinese really know how to celebrate holidays. There's always fireworks and food involved and best of all...they cancel work. Now this isn't always the best news for traveling as you can imagine, seeing as China is already pretty crowded, because when everyone is off work, there are people everywhere. October 1st is National Day here in China. The holiday is to recognize the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on October 1, 1949. In order to celebrate, the entire country takes a week off work. So in keeping with the culture, ND (minus the nannies watching the kids at the foster home) takes the week off work as well. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE going to work every day here, but having a week to sightsee, bake, relax, Skype, and catch up on sleep was fantastic!

Since we had so much free time to ourselves, the other interns and I decided that we would spend a couple days in the city. So on Tuesday, we went into the city to an art museum and ancient observatory (one of the girls needed to visit these places for her online classes), ate some Western food (Pizza Hut and Cold Stone Creamery ice cream!), and then spend the night in Beijing. The next morning a group of other ND staff picked us up from our hostel on the way to hike the Great Wall at Jiankou. And it was breathtaking. This area of the Wall is nestled in the mountains surrounding a lake. When I was in China last summer, I was blown away by the beauty and majesty of the Wall and the mountains it winds through. This time around didn't disappoint either...

O my soul, bless God! God, my God, how great You are;
beautifully, gloriously robed!
Dressed up in sunshine,
and all heaven stretched out for Your tent!...
What a wildly wonderful world, God!
      You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side,
      made earth overflow with Your wonderful creations...
The glory of God—let it last forever!
      Let God enjoy His creation!...
Oh, let me sing to God all my life long,
      sing hymns to my God as long as I live!
   Oh, let my song please Him;
 I'm so pleased to be singing to God...
   O my soul, bless God!
Psalm 104:1-2, 24, 31-35

Oh how our world beautifully robes our Father. I don't think King David could have put it any more perfectly. For I believe our Father smiles when He sees us, His most prized creation, enjoying the work that He's done for He created it just for you! So may you enjoy your Father's creation today. Whether it be in the mountains of China, or the fall colors of East Tennessee, or the heat of Texas, or a sunrise or sunset or the blue skies or twinkling stars anywhere in this big world. May your song please Him and may your soul bless Him in every way...


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