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In being away from my family and loved ones this Christmas, I've had a lot of time to reflect on what this season really means. The holidays have always been a time of music, lights, holiday parties, and shopping. But as I've had limited access to these wonderful festivities, our Father has been gently reminding me of His goodness in sending His precious Son just for me. I know it sounds cliché, but what more could we ask for? God loves us so much that He smiled upon us some 2000 years ago with the gift of His Son. In these days leading up to Christmas, I have felt God reminding me that this time of the year has nothing to do with family or friends or presents or music or even a candlelight Christmas Eve service because it is about the birth of my Lord, and no matter where I am or what I'm doing or how I feel, all I need for Christmas to "happen" is to remember the love God poured out on me by sending His Son so that I might know Him. And my response can only be one thing: to rejoice! After all, this love is the reason we can find joy in each day. It's the reason why why we smile, why these precious little ones can laugh and play. It's the reason we sing. It's the reason we live.

And so I'm praying that this Christmas be one where you can recognize how much Your Father loves you. That you remember how He smiled down on you so many years ago when He sent the most precious gift of all: our Savior. So may you see the joy and laughter and smiles in these sweet little faces and in the faces of the ones you love. May your Christmas be one that magnifies our Savior as you recognize the great things He has done for all of us. And may today and every day after be one where you can exclaim as Mary did:
"My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for He has been mindful
of the humble state of His servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done 
great things for me-
holy is His Name!
Luke 1:46-49

So from China, I send the warmest Christmas greetings
to you wherever you may be!
Rejoice for your Savior has come!


  1. Love you, Haley, and so blessed that you are blessed! You are ALWAYS in our heart and prayers!:)XX!~The Fam :)

  2. You are such a blessing to those near and far. We are praying for you and for those little ones that you are taking care of. Blessings and love! - Rosalie


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