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'Tis so sweet...

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word.
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, "Thus saith the Lord!"

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him,
How I've proved Him o'er and o'vr.
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus,
Oh for grace to trust Him more...

"Oh for grace to trust Him more..." Sometimes its hard to learn to trust Jesus more, so many days I find that it takes an extra helping of grace to find that trust. As I think back over the last several months and over those to come, I realize that trusting Him is what this world requires. From the trusting of my planning to come on this adventure to the trusting of my ND kids and their medical needs to my time spent with precious friends in Shenzhen over Christmas and New Years and now even to the nightmares of traveling as I arrived in India today, God's voice resounds over and over again that I must trust in Him for there is no other way. 

So often this world seems overwhelming to me. Even as I sit here in Hyderabad, outside my window I hear cars speeding from place to place, horns honking, construction saws roaring, and people talking. "Where is the peace of Christ in the midst of it all?" I wonder. But there's a stillness in the midst of the chaos when we trust in the Creator of everything. He holds the world in His palm even as He holds the hands and the hearts of those that have trusted in Him.

Yesterday and today (on into tonight) have been a time of crazy travels as I journeyed from Shenzhen to Delhi on to Hyderabad and then to Ongole tonight. In the midst of it all, I realized that the only One that I had to lean on was Christ. And last night as I sat frustrated, exhausted and ready to come home, I pictured that image- one of leaning on Him, walking hand-in-hand with Him, and it was the only peace that I could muster up. There was nothing anyone could offer me, not even the courage and boldness that I so often rely on within myself could help, but only by His grace, I could still sing:

I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end...

So may today be a day that we can all find peace and rest in our Creator. May we learn to come before Him with a renewed sense of trust. May we walk hand-in-hand with Him as He leads and guides us through this crazy world. And may we never forget how sweet it is to trust in Jesus!


  1. Amen Girl! Very Heart Felt comments from a Heart that is in tune to Hear His Voice! God Bless You. PapaGordon

  2. "Only trust Him! Only trust Him! Only trust Him now. He will save you. He will save you. He will save you now!" I'm singing too, angel girl! I love you! "I trust You, Jesus!" from Jesus Calling bk.~Jan. 3 *Thanks for trusting the One Who is ALWAYS worth trusting! :)

  3. Lifting you up dailey, Haley! I know God is doing amazing things through your surrendered life. Ps. 139:7-12 -"HE is there!" Tim


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