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Where to begin...India Round 2

It's funny as I sit here and look back at my past posts on here, several of them begin with something similar to: "Well, where do I even begin?" And so, here I am again, wondering what to even begin to write...

I guess I could start with the fact that I am currently sitting on a couch in Ongole...

The thought blows my mind as the reality of it sinks in. The last two months seem like a blur. This morning, I sat with my journal and God and tried to process life a little, and I was in awe of how I'm back here. May and June were crazy but wonderful months; filled with Heath's undergrad graduation, my grad school graduation, Heath and Kelsey's wedding (Yay!!), and...India??

When I left here about 14 months ago, I had no idea what the future held. I left with a broken heart wondering how I could survive with the possibility of never seeing these silly and beloved faces again...

All I could cling to was God's promise that He had good and perfect plans for them and for me. And over the last year, as I talked to them on the phone and got updates through other wonderful SCH volunteers, I continued to cling to that promise, wondering if I would ever get to hold them close again.

And God, in His infinite goodness, has graciously given me the longing of my heart and almost two weeks ago, I boarded a plane with these lovely women and lots of luggage, bound for Ongole with a plan for doing English camp for the SCH schoolchildren and the knowledge that I would soon be hugging my girls' necks once again.

The whole plane ride, I did everything I could to try to distract myself from the anxious excitement that bubbled up inside of me...I just couldn't get to Ongole soon enough. So after almost 50 hours of traveling, we arrived in Ongole late Saturday, June 22. And on Sunday morning of the 23rd, you can only guess where I wanted to go...

Right here:

The moment I stepped foot in front of the house, all I could do was run up the stairs and yell for them like I had done so many times before. Their beautiful smiles and sweet yet absolutely silly spirits caused me to sob tears of joy as I held them close in a moment that I had only dreamed about for over a year. As I sit here and write about it, I still tear up at the idea of God's goodness in allowing me to be here with them once again.

Now I have the privilege of going to see them whenever I want and play and sing with them. Its wonderful.

I even got to spend all day last Monday and Tuesday with them as our team spent last week teaching English camp and loving on a total of 33 kids. It was exhausting but wonderful work...

We taught them about colors, numbers, body parts, animals, American foods (PB&J sandwiches, Jello, marshmallows, and mac-n-cheese...all of which they LOVED!), manners, and direction words; as well as a Bible verse (Psalm 139:14 "I praise You because I am wonderfully made!") and a song based on Mark 12:30. We even got to take them to ice cream! It was a great time, and I think the kids loved it! I'm not exactly sure how much English they learned, but I pray that they walked away reminded that they are so dearly loved. That was our purpose throughout this whole process and I believe that God fulfilled it.

And so four members of the team left last night to drive back to Hyderabad overnight to catch their flight this morning, and Caroline and I have been left to continue to work with SCH for the next three weeks. I'm excited to see what God has in store for us and am thankful to have a friend to share this adventure with :)

As I think about the time since I left, I am reminded of the Father's goodness in fulfilling His promise to me from Psalm 107:7-8 when I first left America in September 2011 and boarded a plane for China: that my feet had been "put on a wonderful road" filled with His "marvelous love" and "miraculous mercy". And when I look at my girls and all the children of SCH, I am filled with hope as I see the "wonderful road" upon which God has set their feet as well. From children who were unwanted and unloved, they have blossomed into vibrant individuals full of life and personality. Individuals who like us, God has His hands all over if only we will allow Him to guide us towards that road full of life, love and joy.


  1. Oh my precious angel daughter, I am so blessed by your obedience to God's call on your life! Thank you! Thank you! This blog has blessed me once again, & I know you are exactly where you need to be right now! I love you & miss you & am praying you & Caroline are continually blessed! :) All my love, Mom :)


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